Human and nature in harmony
At every stage, when WWF works with local people, we work with partners and donors. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would have been possible or remain possible without them.
Lägg in sammanfattande ingress.
As a member of WWF, you pay an annual fee of 330 SEK. You will then receive WWF EKO, the quarterly magazine of WWF Sweden. There is also the yearly Panda book available, each one dealing with a different theme.
For more information contact: medlemsservice@wwf.se
The Panda Planet is the children and youth club of WWF Sweden. As members, kids receive the magazine PANDA six times a year. The Panda Planet club stimulates and encourages young people’s interest in animals, nature, and environmental issues and promotes a positive attitude towards the future. Dont miss Panda Planets community.
For more information contact: panda@wwf.se
For companies interested in supporting WWF’s conservation efforts, there are specific Company sponsors packages available.
For more information contact: info@wwf.se
A ship breaking through the ice in Svalbard for a project with the Norwegian Polar Institute in 2014. A joint project that also involved Canon and WWF, with the aim to tag and test polar bears.
You can contribute your monthly gift to the work of WWF via autogiro.
For more information contact: givarservice@wwf.se
All contributions of this kind go uncurtailed to our nature conservation efforts. As a foundation, WWF Sweden is exempted from tax.
WWF Sweden’s nature telegrams are a nice way to forward greetings at/for birthdays, weddings, christenings and other special occasions. Regarding obituary notices, WWF is often mentioned and gratefully accepts contributions.
For mor information contact: givarservice@wwf.se
At every stage, when WWF works with local people, we work with partners and donors. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would have been possible or remain possible without them.
The organization is almost unique in that it has a presence from the local to the global level talking to local people in the central African rainforests, through to face-to-face discussions with institutions such as the World Bank and the European Commission.
Ulriksdals Slott
170 81 Solna
Phone: +46 8 624 74 00
Fax: +46 8 85 13 29
e-mail: info@wwf.se
Opening hours
Monday–Friday: 08.30–16.30
Closed for lunch: 12.00-13.00
Saturday–Sunday: Closed
Summer hours (May 15-Sept. 15)
Monday–Friday: 08.30–16.00
Closed for lunch: 12.00–13.00
Saturday–Sunday: Closed
Senast ändrad 19/12/23